Our Mission
For Jeeva Samadhis and ancient temples

To bring out the true significance of Jeeva Samadhis and holy temples and help people understand the importance of meditating at such places.
Renovation of 108 Jeeva Samadhi temples.
108 Shivalingam pradishtai for saints whose samadhis have been destroyed in the sands of time.
For the present and future aspirants of truth
As many flowerings (Self Realized Souls) as possible in this world.
Making AAC a one-stop database of spiritual knowledge for seekers of truth all over the world.
Book of Death - The art of easing out at the time of death.
Eliminate the taboos surrounding death.
Many other ways and secrets to hasten spiritual growth.

For society as a whole

Ashram with huge mulasthanam to constitute grihastas (householders)
Hospitals run by spiritually inclined doctors across allopathy, homoeopathy, Siddha, and Ayurveda
Free medical help for poor people.
Schools and colleges that are run by spiritually inclined people.
Everyday annadanam
Help people lead a stress-free life by keeping the body and mind healthy.
Spread awareness about astral beings and Astral Attachment (A Square)
Help people live in harmony with mother nature